Saturday, 24 May 2014

Uterine Fibroids Natural Treatment Diet

One of recommended uterine fibroids treatments is natural diet managing. We know that one of female hormones, that is estrogen, can increase the growth of uterine fibroids. And fortunately, there are some kinds of foods that have ability to lower the level of estrogen in blood. So that, by this diet treatment, the growth of uterine fibroids can be reduced. So, the first step we must do is identifying kinds of food that can lower the level of estrogen in blood so that estrogen will not reach the uterine fibroids, because we know that estrogen can spur the growth of uterine fibroids.

Foods that can increase the level of estrogen generally are dairy product and meat. It means when we consume those kinds of food, the level of estrogen in blood will be increased and automatically will support the growth of uterine fibroids. But, fortunately uterine fibroids have a benign growth so that we can reduce the growth by managing the diet. So, avoid eating meat and dairy products to shrink or minimize uterine fibroids.

Then, we also consume kinds of foods that have ability to lower the level of estrogen in blood. What are the foods? Soy and cold-water fish are kinds of food that proven having ability to lower the level of estrogen and also the symptoms of uterine fibroids by their substances contained. 

So, why does Soy have ability to lower the estrogen? Ok, Soy contains ample amount of genistein and daidzein, a plant estrogen, or phytoestrogens that prevents the estrogen to reach the cells. And this phytoestrogens can be found in tofu, tempe, soymilk, soy bean, and bean sprouts. So, to reduce the growth of uterine fibroids, we can eat those kinds of foods that contain rich of phytoestrogens.

We have talked about Soy that have ability to lower the level of estrogen in blood. Then we talk about cold-water fish that has ability to reduce the symptoms of uterine fibroids. The ability comes from the compounds of substances that have anti-inflammatory properties and also may relieve the symptoms of uterine fibroids. The kinds of cold-water fish are Salmon, Tuna, and Mackerel. So, include these fishes in your diet program for relieving your uterine fibroids symptoms.

Actually, it’s not difficult to take Natural Treatment Diet as your treatment to shrink uterine fibroids. Just consume the foods that have ability to lower the growth of uterine fibroids and to reduce the uterine fibroids symptoms such Soy and cold-water fish. And then avoid eating foods that can increase the level of estrogen in blood such meat and dairy products. Hope this information will be more useful for every woman who has uterine fibroids inside. Don’t be afraid and just do the treatment.

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Tuesday, 20 May 2014

The Recommended Alternative Fibroid Treatments

The Recommended Alternative Fibroid Treatments are proven successfully to shrink or destroy the uterine fibroids safely. We know that Uterine Fibroids have a benign growth and not lead to cancer. That's why, it's very important to get treatments for uterine fibroids as soon as possible to shrink the uterine fibroids.
So, what are the recommended alternative fibroid treatments we should know to shrink and destroy uterine fibroids safely? Below, I list some of them from trusted sources that have been analyzed and explored in many studies.

  • Treatment with Green Tea.
Green Tea is not only useful for weight loss or losing your belly fat. But, based on study in 2010 by scientist among a group of mice, it has been proven that decreasing the volume and weight of uterine fibroid can be done by consuming green tea extract for about 8 weeks. Really Great News!! As we know, green tea is not difficult to find and get. So, there's no reason to refuse the consumption of green tea extract to shrink the uterine fibroids.

  • Treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been proven to heal some diseases. That's why, researchers have done a study in 2002 and get the satisfying result about the connection between treatment with traditional chinese medicine aor about 6 months to decreasing the volume and weight of uterine fibroids. 

  • Treatment with Natural Remedies.
To date, there's still no proven facts about the effectiveness of Natural Remedies in decreasing Uterine Fibroids. But, if you are willing to use natural remedies strongly for your uterine fibroids healing, you should consult it to your therapist or doctor before take it as your treatment. 

Except the treatment for decreasing uterine fibroids above, there are some alternative treatments that are useful for decreasing effects of the symptoms of uterine fibroids and also pain relief : 
  1. Treatment with Nutritional Theraphy.
  2. Treatment with Hydrotheraphy.
  3. Treatment with Mind/Body Medicine.
  4. Treatment with Acupressure.
  5. Treatment with Herbal Medicine.
  6. Treatment with Homeopathy.
  7. Treatment with Aromatheraphy.
  8. Treatment with Detoxification, Fasting, and Colon Theraphy.
Those are some Alternative Fibroid Treatment that are useful and proven to relief pain and also decreasing the volume and weight of uterine fibroids. First of all, always consult with your doctor about the alternative treatment that you will take. Because, the effectiveness of the treatments sometimes are different with one another. 

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Friday, 16 May 2014

What's Uterine Fibroids Definition?

What’s Uterine Fibroids Definition in common language? Most people assume that Uterine Fibroids have a relationship with cancer in uterus. In fact, Uterine fibroids aren’t related to uterus cancer even Uterine Fibroids are benign growth that develop from smooth muscle cells of the uterus.  Commonly, according to the analysis, Women who have Uterine Fibroids are :
  • In age range 30-50 years old.
  • The African-American women have more possibilities to develop.
  • In childbearing years.
  • In reproductive years.

In fact, Uterine Fibroids will never develop into cancer. The symptoms of Uterine fibroids can vary one another, including heavy menstrual bleeding and pressure in pelvis. The symptoms also vary related to the location of uterine fibroids. That’s why, women should be more aware about all the changes and pain they can feel, such as the bleeding or any pressure. And, for your information that as many as 3 of 4 women have Uterine Fibroids during their lives. Wow! 

But, unfortunately many women aren’t detected in having Uterine Fibroids until the doctor discover it incidentally during a pelvic exam or a prenatal ultrasound. In some cases, Uterine Fibroids can shrink or even disappear after pregnancy as the uterus gets into a normal size.

Until now, there is no a certain experiment that can tell us the causes of Uterine Fibroids. But, women who approach a menopause period usually have a bigger risk of getting Uterine Fibroids. So, just be aware more about Uterine Fibroids. Get more information about it from many sources. And the most important is to practice a healthy lifestyle.

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